Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Programmed Into Enjoying Anal Sex

Some of my frot friends believe that guys who are gay have been programmed into having anal sex, but at the same time, they fail see that they have been programmed to enjoy frot.


  1. I have just seen this post since it was posted,
    i always knew i was gay since i remember and i've always thought that gay relations was strictly by frottage. I decided to indulge in anal sex cos it was and still is the only form of gay sexual relations here in Nigeria. I couldn't believe my eyes when i found a gay in Abuja (though i haven't met him yet) that is interested in frot only. I can't wait to meet him cause i believe my openmind has led me to at least find that there's one in a million.
    Frot and oral sex are indeed the supreme form of man with man bonding.

    1. Fred,

      "frot only" is not unusual, in fact your comment reminds me of a site I found interesting and deals with male bonding without the need for anal, I would be interested in your opinion of the info on this site

      Along with frottage, I would also include between the thighs and docking (foreskin), but not anal.
